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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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1Hello everyone :) Empty Hello everyone :) Tue Feb 08, 2011 7:03 pm


Legion Recruit
Legion Recruit

Hi i am Vjeko from Croatia , i am new in Aion game playing few weeks , my char is Crodude = chanter , want to join your legion because i think it is very good legion and all people are nice and helpful.

I chose your legion because only people that helped me since i am playing are people from your legion never called me noob because i am new in Aion and always gave me tips if i asked , and from what i saw in this few weeks your legion is helpful , friendly , and i would love to be party of legion where people actually talk with each other , have fun and help if they can.

if some one would talk bad about me and call me names or something like that well , hehe i actually laugh dont know how to get mad it is a game i ignore him and play i dont like to fight and be rude so answer would be 3 let it go.

If some one in legion talks bad , spam and caps , i try say in nice way to stop if he start to call me names well i let it go like i said i dont like to fight and be rude only thing i like to fight is asmo , i die alot but i fight Smile its hard to be a noob Smile Razz

I am 20 years old i am not expert in mmo's , one day i was talking with friend i have to find something to do when i have time for my self when i am not on work or doing something else so he told me about aion so i try and it is cool nice place to have fun and relax for hour or 2.
I am new in aion and dont know very well how to play but i want to learn and i have will to learn and i want to learn from great and good and helpful people.


Thank you and sorry if my English is not perfect , respect to all and cya in the game Smile

2Hello everyone :) Empty Re: Hello everyone :) Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:25 am


Yakuza's Child
Yakuza's Child

I game with him all the time and feel like he would be very helpful to the legion and sincere to all of it's members.

3Hello everyone :) Empty Re: Hello everyone :) Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:33 am



I don't see a reason why we shouldn't let you in.

Plus, I think i'm in ur group right now. And yeah as a new player it's hard to kill asmos. Altho chanter could kill them easily ^^


Best regards,


4Hello everyone :) Empty Re: Hello everyone :) Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:38 am


Legion Recruit
Legion Recruit

Thank you very much :)i will try to do my best and give all i can to my new legion Smile

thank you and respect to all Smile

5Hello everyone :) Empty Re: Hello everyone :) Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:06 pm


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

You better show me that you know how to use google. otherwise you might get mean kauro. The stupid and lazy bring out my mean

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