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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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I hope you find this to your liking.

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1Sleep I hope you find this to your liking. Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:20 pm



I would like to join Yakuza because it seems like a fun and helpful Legion, that I could see myself enjoying everyone's company. Also my friend Daystin (or Day as Epicninja referred to her as)belongs to this legion and I take her word for it since she is a good friend of mine.

The people from this guild have done nothing but nice things anywhere from people who talk a lot of smack who later ask questions, to the Beginner who doesn't know much. I would like to be part of a group that shares my view on beginners since I'm always helping them.

I don't really expect much, just a little help here and there with whatever I might need help with.

My utter and total devotion to the guild, and to act accordingly. I will uphold the name of the guild just as I have seen others, by helping anyone I come across and of course helping the guild in any way possible.

I would of course let it go, I mean it's just a game no point in ruining my time or bothering other people.

Spamming and caping if you will, are a little bothersome to me but just like everyone else I would ask them kindly to stop. And of course if it's anything too horrible for words I would simply report it, but it would have to be pretty bad, or break the regulations set down by the Legion.

I am 20 years old.

I am male.

I have played MMO's for a long time starting with Ever Quest, although I am not that great at them I enjoy the time with other people and fighting alongside my comrades towards a common goal. I recently Started with Aion and quickly fell in love with it, I was always a low level character because of school and personal reasons and with the exp gain and such I now have all the time in the world to focus on higher level things. I learn quickly and such so the longer I play the more fun I seem to be having.

I have a level 55 Assassin (Raferequiem) Who I log onto at least once day. My alts which I play on at times are an Enhanter,(Orihimerequiem) and a Gladiator(Ayarequiem). Other then that I'm seen playing around with a few other classes.

Sadly I only speak english.

I hope this clears everything up and I hope to hear from you soon, if there is anything else you need me to do or say simply ask, I'm very easy going.

2Sleep Re: I hope you find this to your liking. Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:35 am


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

ur in. good job Smile pm me or kauro or fabled ingame Very Happy

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