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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Mage wants to join

2 posters

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1Mage wants to join Empty Mage wants to join Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:40 am



Hey Guys Wink I'm lazy , so I just filled in the application format

- Why do you want to join our humble legion?
Cause a good friend of mine is also a member Wink Called Yunaf.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion?
Due to my friend

- What do you expect from us?
Fun, Action, and some pwnd Asmos-asses

- What CAN we expect from you?
Fun, and Action of course Wink

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
3) let it go.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps?
Actually I dont care, I would just switch legion chat off

- Age

- Gender

- Experience
Was part of one of the leading legions on infinite aion server

- Classes that you play properly
Atm Mage, but im also used to sins

- Language(s)
german, english

Im looking forward to hear from you guys Wink

2Mage wants to join Empty Re: Mage wants to join Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:46 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Gand wrote:Hey Guys Wink I'm lazy , so I just filled in the application format

- Why do you want to join our humble legion?
Cause a good friend of mine is also a member Wink Called Yunaf.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion?
Due to my friend

- What do you expect from us?
Fun, Action, and some pwnd Asmos-asses

- What CAN we expect from you?
Fun, and Action of course Wink

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
3) let it go.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps?
Actually I dont care, I would just switch legion chat off

- Age

- Gender

- Experience
Was part of one of the leading legions on infinite aion server

- Classes that you play properly
Atm Mage, but im also used to sins

- Language(s)
german, english

Im looking forward to hear from you guys Wink

Your English is phenomenal so that's out of the way, I see no reason why not to let you in other then the fact that a friend is here. Even though you still sound like a decent smart player. I'll approve you w/me in game - Kauro
-----------------Player Accepted-----------------------------

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