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MAT: Mission Against Terror

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1MAT: Mission Against Terror Empty MAT: Mission Against Terror Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:11 pm



Hello everyone

For a while I play this game, called MAT.
It's really cool, and I'm really good at it already.

It's an MMOFPS, meaning you have to rank up, do challenges, get geared.

Different modes.

AI mode (versus computer bots)

Mummy mode (Spawn.. people become mummies)
Situation 1: ur a mummy = Infect others to become a mummy
Situation 2: HIDE!! lol.

Team Deathmatch (Team vs Team)

Deathmatch (Free for all)

Bombing mode (Counter strike like)

The gamemode I love is Team Deathmatch ofcourse.


I made Yakuza there also.

2MAT: Mission Against Terror Empty Re: MAT: Mission Against Terror Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:33 am


Yakuza's Interactive Member
Yakuza's Interactive Member

You know, Ive seen the adds for this game all over the internet. Thought about trying it if my computaer can handle it decent. need a good pc based shooter to break away from all these MMORPG games. is it p2p or free?


3MAT: Mission Against Terror Empty Re: MAT: Mission Against Terror Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:42 am



First of all I apologize for my late respond,

It's a fast MMO-FPS. So you get action whenever u want.
Your computer doesn't need to be that pimped to play this. It's a medium graphic game.

Download it and try it Smile

Best regards,


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