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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Klock App.

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1Klock App. Empty Klock App. Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:39 am



- Why do you want to join our humble legion? Seems legit legion and I would like to meet new people

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion? you guys are everywhere ^^

- What do you expect from us? New friends and things to do

- What CAN we expect from you? dedicated player to game and my guild, also a nice person and willing to help others

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
3) let it go. or 4) Act smart and if the person needs to be put in their place, I put them then let it go.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps? Tell a superior

- Age - 17

- Gender - Male

- Experience - Avid PC gamer and easily adaptive to new MMO's but only been on Aion for 2 weeks or so, InfiniteAion before Gamez.

- Classes that you play properly - I find Cleric to be my favorite and I will stick to but I could use some training if I could get some

- Language(s)- English

2Klock App. Empty Re: Klock App. Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:49 am


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

ElysiumSky wrote:-

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
3) let it go. or 4) Act smart and if the person needs to be put in their place, I put them then let it go.

Thats nice. i think you're yakuza material, cuz you seem to have nice personality.
PM me ingame.

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