Yakuza Legion
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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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1TeamSpeak? Empty TeamSpeak? Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:21 am


Legion Recruit
Legion Recruit

Hey I heard this legion uses teamspeak, and i was wondering if someone could shoot it to me if in fact you guys do use TS,
and sorry if this isn't the right section to post this in, its the most relevant section I could think of...

2TeamSpeak? Empty Re: TeamSpeak? Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:22 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Yea we do.


Usual Channel, Call of Duty Channel Smile no password

3TeamSpeak? Empty Re: TeamSpeak? Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:53 am


Yakuza's Interactive Member
Yakuza's Interactive Member

Wow lol i would like to join but my headset is broken Shocked Twisted Evil

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