Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.

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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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People leavin'

9 posters

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1People leavin' Empty People leavin' Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:39 am




Some people are leaving due to carl going to far.

Medals hard to get
No more Master carved materials
PvE drops sux
etc etc.

So to keep contact, stay active on our forum.
Keep us up to date for

Wich game you will be playing, what will you recommend to us to do when we join your chosen server
Donation system Y/N
VIP system Y/N

Keep your eyes open at the other games section!

Best regards,


2People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:00 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

I believe a shift from GAMEZAION to INFINITE AION Might be Reasonable. Then Again We don't know who would want to do these things.

3People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:37 pm


Yakuza's Beauty
Yakuza's Beauty

Kauro wrote:I believe a shift from GAMEZAION to INFINITE AION Might be Reasonable. Then Again We don't know who would want to do these things.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet. Since alot of my friends are quitting GAion. If you guys go to Infinate I need to get my client working and I have a couple questions about that server.

1) Is there item.pak or no?
2) I was told there was no free fly, is that true?
3) Are you able to have Elyos and Asmo on the same acc and server like you are at GAion?
4) Which server will you guys be playing? since there is a waiting list for the high rate part of it from what I hear.

4People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:11 pm


Yakuza's Child
Yakuza's Child

1) Is there item.pak or no?
2) I was told there was no free fly, is that true?
3) Are you able to have Elyos and Asmo on the same acc and server like you are at GAion?
4) Which server will you guys be playing? since there is a waiting list for the high rate part of it from what I hear.

4)idk xD

5People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:16 am


Yakuza's Elite
Yakuza's Elite

infinite has 3 different servers...pride retal like....greed 4x rates...and wrath with is pvp and not up atm

6People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:47 pm


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

L2Null! Tinyleg told me:p

Judicatorious <-- strongest DB in the world lol Very Happy

7People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:06 am



I've tried out Elite GS Aion and immediately fallen in love with it, at least for now.
Normal rates are about inbetween the normal and the vip rates of GA, they also have a pro thing that's twice of that which is easier to get than the VIP status of GA.
They do have voting, but stuff on the vote shop is much cheaper than on GA and also drops ingame UNLIKE AT A CERTAIN OTHER SERVER. You can in fact just go make a chara and kill Stormwing (who is weirdly slow/bugged) and get a full SW set in an hour or so XD
Money is actually worth something there, and you can even buy some of the enraged veille stuff at the broker, haha.
That being said a lot of tedious stuff gets minimalized, there isn't as much trading spam in the channel or greed overall (lots of stuff cant be traded), there's less of an unfair gap between "normal" players and donors.
I first fell in love with this when I hit lvl 9 and automatically ascended without the tedious running quest ^.^
It also has auto stigma. So yeah - this is for just focusing on the action without the farming and trading and all the tiring stuff. Freefly is allowed in more zones, too.
The server's rather new and doesnt have as many players as GA, and the elly population is bigger than the asmo one, but I picked asmo this time. I tried some mass pvp in gelk last night and it was awesome Like a Star @ heaven
I also met Zalgo & Clockwork there by pure chance ^^

I dont know if this will be interesting and fun for a long time, but for the time being it definitely is and I think I'll stay there at least for a while. I can really commend trying this to everyone who wants a change of pace and is tired of GA's corruption.

I'll be on the server Fregion, playing as either Kirine, Riui or Miang (most likely Riui or Kirine), let me know if you decide to give this a shot (Tho i might be online less for real this time since I'm really really starting to get into trouble due to lack of doing my work ^^'')

Like a Star @ heaven http://www.elitegs.com/aion/ Like a Star @ heaven

Last edited by Sierra on Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total

8People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:07 am


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

i might try that EGS Surprised

9People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:44 am


Yakuza's Beauty
Yakuza's Beauty

I'm trying out this server right now. It's not so bad its just money isnt the easiest it seems to come by but then agian im lvl 31 ^^; well I'm just trying to figure out what class is best for doing stuff like SW and what not cause I want to make my sin but there is really no leather gear whats so ever in this server it seems. Most items I see is cloth. I'm still having a battle deciding weither to play elyos or asmo. Cause I got really bored playing alone >.<

There has been a few bugs that I have found kind of annoying:

-Quests that you have to relog to fix
-Flying speed seems slower or as slow as running
-Monsters move alot in PvE (well in verteron and Elthen Ive had this happen alot)
-Quests always changing rewards
-Some quests say they are avalible but are not when you visit the npc
-Elyos you have to search each class individually you cant search as all
-Buddy sometimes glitches like GAion.
-Glitches you in party and kicks you from dungeons. (this bug happens sometimes)*EDIT* [02-26-11]

-Jenus Sorcerer
-Daystien Assassin
-Daystine Spiritmaster
-Daystian Knight
-Daystank Templer
-Evokes Chanter
-Ainashi Claric

-Dayst Sorcerer
-Daystin Assassin
-Daysts Spiritmaster

No I am not playing all of those xD I'm just trying to figure out which one I wanna play on this server Razz

Last edited by Dayst on Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:43 am; edited 1 time in total

10People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:00 am


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

its like easy version of GAion lol. me and fabled tried it, and we decided to stay at Gamez. cuz gamez has more peepl, and stigma system..

11People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:40 pm


Yakuza's Beauty
Yakuza's Beauty

Alphaverb wrote:its like easy version of GAion lol. me and fabled tried it, and we decided to stay at Gamez. cuz gamez has more peepl, and stigma system..

Yeah I don't blame you. I'm just playing this one for a change of pace. Btw I whispered you earlier this morning on Evokes my chanter and I thought you had changed asmo cuz i could whisper you XD I don't know if you could read my translated version of the whisper or not but yeah I'll be playing gamez agian soon it's just I wanted to try out glad and chanter here since I never got to and it is a good server for testing classes and skills. I do like it to a point...but I don't like how money isnt as easy to get and you have to quest to get alot of money which isn't bad just tedious.

12People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:32 am


Yakuza's Queen
Yakuza's Queen

i see things are falling apart now on Gaion>?

13People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:41 am


Yakuza's Beauty
Yakuza's Beauty

Dazzy wrote:i see things are falling apart now on Gaion>?

Lol not really just basicly checking out back up servers and such. Everyone is still there and we are just waiting for that big day when GA server is shut down xD but yeah we are all still here just scoping around for new servers since IA likes to play mind games and wipe characters lol Razz

The server we are playing atm isnt too bad just a bit unpopulated and unbalanced on race wise.

Btw for those of you who are trying out this server and are Asmo we have started up a legion called <The Saints> and would like for you guys to join us to rebuild the legion here Razz (I am not leader nor did I suggest the name lol)

14People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:34 am


Yakuza's Child
Yakuza's Child

My friend has tried Infinite Aion's sub server which only concentrates in PVP he said it's amazing. So whenever that server gets up I think we should try it..

15People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:23 am



I'm staying on EGS Aion (Asmo; Riui & Kirine) for good. IA is out of the question for me as I just cant get it to run, besides I like this server and don't want to leave it for another Aion server.

I just wish they'd make Vindictus available to europe, that's one thing I'd really love to try -.-*

16People leavin' Empty Re: People leavin' Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:55 pm



Sierra wrote:I'm staying on EGS Aion (Asmo; Riui & Kirine) for good. IA is out of the question for me as I just cant get it to run, besides I like this server and don't want to leave it for another Aion server.

I just wish they'd make Vindictus available to europe, that's one thing I'd really love to try -.-*

I'm active on INFINITY

But damn! i'm in this 'pro' legion and it's so cold!

Me: Hey anyone hunting elyos?
Them: If u wanna pvp with us get on TS, etc etc
M: ....

I know it's a good method but cba to get it and buy a mic..

Also, when I ask something, they don't reply, just "Who are you" then I explain, they: ohh


So anyone that's in INFINITY, with the same timezone as me (I think it was GMT+1)
I want to create Yakuza there too.

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