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We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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1/24/2011 FIRST CONTEST, THE -GET PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE!- Contest and rules

3 posters

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Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Fairly Simple. Here are the rules.

- Get at Least 3 people to Join The Legion Forums.
- You Must Reply with the People you have accounted for
- You Must be Signed up Yourself

Awards Will Be given in place.

1st place. 10 billion Kinah or/ 2 anuhart pieces
2nd Place. 5 billion Kinah or/ 1 Anuhart piece
3rd Place. 2 Billion Kinah

Contest Ends When All 3 Places Have Been taken Up.
You May Exchange your price for a missing Anuhart Stored In warehouse. Smile

Fairly simple correct?

Let the Game Commence.

21/24/2011 FIRST CONTEST, THE -GET PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE!- Contest and rules Empty Rawst Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:25 am


Yakuza's Interactive Member
Yakuza's Interactive Member

Ruca is my first

Blastyourass is my second

Willowa is my third


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

rawst13772 wrote:Ruca is my first

Blastyourass is my second

Willowa is my third

Well Done, first Place Rewarded 10billion Kinah. Grats and Enjoy. ohohohoh~!

41/24/2011 FIRST CONTEST, THE -GET PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE!- Contest and rules Empty YESSS SECCOND Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:20 am


Yakuza's Queen
Yakuza's Queen

Madeupuser: my first
imnotreal: my second
rufaling4this: is my 3rd! i get seccond place woop woop

Legioness lady xx


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Dazzy wrote:Madeupuser: my first
imnotreal: my second
rufaling4this: is my 3rd! i get seccond place woop woop

Legioness lady xx

You are here by disqualified for being an Obstreperous jerk

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