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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Pretty Simple,
go spam on the Forums a "Good Bye" Story
You may use a proxy site to get a new account and hide your IP so you are not banned.

Rules are:
- You MUST include the infinity servers Link
- You are to take a picture of the spammed Message or New Topic Created by you and post it on this Topic.
- You Must get at least One ACTIVE player to Transfer.

2 Winners will recieve an ABG piece.
I will spend my own Credits towards this.

If you get the right person to transfer, that person will bring 2 more, and so on. Creating a domino effect, hopefully.

Winner will be chosen based on what they did and the actual outcome.

If you need Info on Proxy's I will supply it.



Yakuza's Beauty
Yakuza's Beauty

ban Stop Right There Mr.! D:
Want We Will Win! Very Happy
I Got Nuu Clue What I Said X)


Yakuza's Child
Yakuza's Child

I got a friend of mine from gamez but I dont got any screenshot. Perhaps he can tell you who referred him? And: what does a person get for 1 recruit?



I'm just so disappointed to see this guys.

You "cheat" to get ABG gear?

Where is the Yakuza Spirit guys. Comeon.
Seriously what are you doing?

I wont bother u guys anymore, but I just had to comment this.



By the way, Kauro, you like to put people down to raise your rep don't u?

@ Kjay's sig.


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Yowacha wrote:I'm just so disappointed to see this guys.

You "cheat" to get ABG gear?

Where is the Yakuza Spirit guys. Comeon.
Seriously what are you doing?

I wont bother u guys anymore, but I just had to comment this.

Why do you come back jumping to conclusions? do I need to IP ban you?

What is this talk about cheating to get ABG? that doesn't make any sense. Is cheating spending credits you have towards gear? I don't think it is.


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

Yowacha wrote:I'm just so disappointed to see this guys.

You "cheat" to get ABG gear?

Where is the Yakuza Spirit guys. Comeon.
Seriously what are you doing?

I wont bother u guys anymore, but I just had to comment this.

lol why in the hell u think we took the items with cheating? lol the thing is how we got these things, is double credit weekend and triple months first week.

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