Yakuza Legion
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Yakuza Legion
We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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[Declined] Application for Gladiator-Daylon

2 posters

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Why do you want to join our humble legion?

I,m new to AION,i`ve started playing it only a month ago.But i,m a fast learner Wink so i adapt quickly(had a lot of experience with Lineage).The reason why i want to join you guys is that i heared that you`re all sociable and friendly people to play with.Furthermore i,m almost certain that we`ll get along very well Smile

Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion?

To tell the truth,I don`t really have a particular reason,since i don`t know much about AION yet,but as i answered in the first question,you seem to be sociable and friendly people to play with and players,who would help me to build a better orientation in AION.By the way,as far as i know,you`re one of the best Legions on the server Smile

What do you expect from us?

i expect some in-game buddies Wink,People with whom i would have fun playing.And this legion seems to be the most suitable Smile

What CAN we expect from you?

All i can say is that i will help and support you in whatever way i can

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?

To be honest,i,m quick to get into a fight.But you know,you can`t do much online,well except from threatening or using vulgar language Very Happy.However i,m not the type who threatens or uses vulgar words or acts big in front of someone(especially online)i know my place and i act only when i need to,so i don`t really pay attention to such players.

What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps?

I don`t really care,But if the guy would really get annoying and wouldn`t stop,i have my way of dealing with such people Smile

- Age


- Gender


- Experience
One month

- Classes that you play properly
I have a good understanding of Gladiator and Assasin

- Language(s)

English,a little bit of German and Russian


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Declined on the count of
you have no Idea what our legion <Yakuza> Is about.
You just want a legion to have a legion so no.

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