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We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Tana's Application

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1Tana's Application Empty Tana's Application Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:49 am



EDIT: Oh dear >_> I'm the only one who wrote a whole essay. I come from communities where formal applications are strictly imposed, so sorry if this seems odd to you ^^

- Why do you want to join our humble legion?

I would like to join because of the potential I see in your promises and overall legion spirit. You are not a legion that has time for slacking around, and you show great potential for those few players who -really- have the devotion to put themselves out to the front lines. I want to be a part of this great legion, because I believe you take the best of AION seriously, and strive to let this legion make a mark of its own in our respective server.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion?

I have been through many legions who claimed to be active and helpful, but I've been disappointed with many so far, as what they've promised they never kept. Your legion expresses its highest standards in what one would appreciate to see happen in AION, and to see such a determined legion makes me all the more to offer my support and companionship. I am a hard worker in AION, and I would love to be among like-minded people who strive to achieve the best of AION, as well as their legionary bond.

- What do you expect from us?

My expectation are no less idealistic than those of any respectful player - I seek a healthy dose of perfection; something I am sure this legion is capable of achieving. I expect to find players and friends who are not only respectful of one another, but are also helpful when the need be - and show a great sense of order in maintaining their role as member. I expect this legion to express itself throughout the whole of our gaming server, and I hope for everyone to work just as hard as I will.

- What CAN we expect from you?

Upon acceptance, you will expect me to work and follow orders at the best of my ability, help others, and volunteer every time there is an instance/raid/event/you-name-it. I also have alchemy skills (among others), and whenever there is need for items, (such as scroll, potions, manastones etc.) I would only be too happy to provide for my legion's members.

As a person and fellow member, I am friendly and encouraging, but not silly or demeaning to others. In a group, I have fairly good leadership skills, and I have been known to steer my friends out of trouble by giving them the proper instructions when undertaking any sieges (using my scouting abilities as ranger to seek out enemies, is one of them).

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?

3) Let it go. Normally, it`s fine to show some expression of one`s self when one is displeased (we all have our bad days), but not when it involves clear disrespect, aggression and insults towards another. The legion is to stay a morally clean and professional environment; one of the many steps of being a successful one. If the aggression persists despite my ignorance, I will speak to a legion member of higher rank,
and ask them to make the appropriate decision.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps?

If it happens once, I would likely be patient, and see if they do it again. If it happens a second time, I will address their behavior and kindly ask them to stop. If the matter elevates, I will ask a higher rank to take over and deem what is correct.

- Age

- Gender

- Experience

I have been moderator in many role-playing communities in the past, such as LJ and proboards, so my understanding in several situations has helped me develop a sense of authority that is equal and just. I have also exercised good principles as a centurion to several starting legions. I'm also the type of person you'd see spending the most time in instances and forts reshanta, more than in crowded cities.

- Class that you play properly

Ranger, all the way. I have been experimenting around with this class for months now, and I'm pretty decent with my tactics for each opposing class. 5-15 kills a day, at best, and this doesn't include mass faction-zergs, which amount to 30-37 kills.

Cleric, this class is not only my most enjoyable, but it is my most enduring class I've come to known. There have been several situations where I've felt proud of supporting my group and enduring opposing attacks, and I take full responsibility of everyone on my watch with this powerful class.

- Language(s)

English ^^


2Tana's Application Empty Re: Tana's Application Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:23 pm


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Deudalephon wrote:EDIT: Oh dear >_> I'm the only one who wrote a whole essay. I come from communities where formal applications are strictly imposed, so sorry if this seems odd to you ^^

- Why do you want to join our humble legion?

I would like to join because of the potential I see in your promises and overall legion spirit. You are not a legion that has time for slacking around, and you show great potential for those few players who -really- have the devotion to put themselves out to the front lines. I want to be a part of this great legion, because I believe you take the best of AION seriously, and strive to let this legion make a mark of its own in our respective server.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion?

I have been through many legions who claimed to be active and helpful, but I've been disappointed with many so far, as what they've promised they never kept. Your legion expresses its highest standards in what one would appreciate to see happen in AION, and to see such a determined legion makes me all the more to offer my support and companionship. I am a hard worker in AION, and I would love to be among like-minded people who strive to achieve the best of AION, as well as their legionary bond.

- What do you expect from us?

My expectation are no less idealistic than those of any respectful player - I seek a healthy dose of perfection; something I am sure this legion is capable of achieving. I expect to find players and friends who are not only respectful of one another, but are also helpful when the need be - and show a great sense of order in maintaining their role as member. I expect this legion to express itself throughout the whole of our gaming server, and I hope for everyone to work just as hard as I will.

- What CAN we expect from you?

Upon acceptance, you will expect me to work and follow orders at the best of my ability, help others, and volunteer every time there is an instance/raid/event/you-name-it. I also have alchemy skills (among others), and whenever there is need for items, (such as scroll, potions, manastones etc.) I would only be too happy to provide for my legion's members.

As a person and fellow member, I am friendly and encouraging, but not silly or demeaning to others. In a group, I have fairly good leadership skills, and I have been known to steer my friends out of trouble by giving them the proper instructions when undertaking any sieges (using my scouting abilities as ranger to seek out enemies, is one of them).

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?

3) Let it go. Normally, it`s fine to show some expression of one`s self when one is displeased (we all have our bad days), but not when it involves clear disrespect, aggression and insults towards another. The legion is to stay a morally clean and professional environment; one of the many steps of being a successful one. If the aggression persists despite my ignorance, I will speak to a legion member of higher rank,
and ask them to make the appropriate decision.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps?

If it happens once, I would likely be patient, and see if they do it again. If it happens a second time, I will address their behavior and kindly ask them to stop. If the matter elevates, I will ask a higher rank to take over and deem what is correct.

- Age

- Gender

- Experience

I have been moderator in many role-playing communities in the past, such as LJ and proboards, so my understanding in several situations has helped me develop a sense of authority that is equal and just. I have also exercised good principles as a centurion to several starting legions. I'm also the type of person you'd see spending the most time in instances and forts reshanta, more than in crowded cities.

- Class that you play properly

Ranger, all the way. I have been experimenting around with this class for months now, and I'm pretty decent with my tactics for each opposing class. 5-15 kills a day, at best, and this doesn't include mass faction-zergs, which amount to 30-37 kills.

Cleric, this class is not only my most enjoyable, but it is my most enduring class I've come to known. There have been several situations where I've felt proud of supporting my group and enduring opposing attacks, and I take full responsibility of everyone on my watch with this powerful class.

- Language(s)

English ^^

Glad to see you are not whimsical about this I'd be more than happy to review you. Thank you for the form. I'll have my final decision shortly. glasses

3Tana's Application Empty Re: Tana's Application Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:45 pm


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

After reviewing your application I have decided you are a shoe in like my theory, please message me in game, where I will invite you to our humble abode happy

4Tana's Application Empty Re: Tana's Application Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:53 pm


Yakuza's Queen
Yakuza's Queen

at last another girl... and wow...talk about one hell of an apply pirat

5Tana's Application Empty Re: Tana's Application Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:59 pm



:'D I am sooo happy! Thanks a lot, guys!

*dotes on everyone*


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