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application for Chaoticnigga

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1beautiful application for Chaoticnigga Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:03 am


Yakuza's Child
Yakuza's Child

- Why do you want to join our humble legion?
because the legion has nice people and is active in pvp

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion?
id have 2 say mainly because im all about Japanese things and yakuza just seams right+ i dig the name Razz

- What do you expect from us?
humble pvp active people

- What CAN we expect from you?
this is a rather hard question id have to say my best in what ever i can help with

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
Choose the following.

3) let it go.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps?
i would tell him to watch his actions and if he continues i would tell a centurion when one gets on thats about all i would be able 2 do

- Age

- Gender

- Experience
umm lol i would still consider myself a noob played inf aion and gamez aion getting better tho

- Classes that you play properly
playing a sorcerer now

- Language(s)
English is my primary,Spanish is my secondary

hope this awnsers ur questions see u ingame

2beautiful Re: application for Chaoticnigga Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:07 am


Yakuza's Elite
Yakuza's Elite

even thoe what i say dont matter, ive talked to him a lot and he seems mad chill

yes for the ninja

3beautiful Re: application for Chaoticnigga Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:19 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Well It's not your decision now is it?

4beautiful Re: application for Chaoticnigga Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:23 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Ah the Risk of you insulting someone with the N word I will let you in, however I get a complaint and I'm going to flag you

for your info

5beautiful Re: application for Chaoticnigga Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:02 am


Yakuza's Child
Yakuza's Child

lol kool aight

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