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Scorpiana new legion member application

2 posters

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1Scorpiana new legion member application Empty Scorpiana new legion member application Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:04 am


Blabbering Baffoon
Blabbering Baffoon

I want to join yakuza, cuz u guys r cool,to help me,I am good at pvp 3 idk 17 Male Idk Cleric/rogue English, Portuguese Very Happy


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Scorpiana wrote:I want to join yakuza, cuz u guys r cool,to help me,I am good at pvp 3 idk 17 Male Idk Cleric/rogue English, Portuguese Very Happy

Wrong format, I don't understand any of this crap. What belongs to what question? and answering "idk" doesn't answer it.

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