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We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Ardenus' Application

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1Ardenus' Application Empty Ardenus' Application Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:23 am


Legion Recruit
Legion Recruit

'Ello everyone,
I'm chet (character name Ardenus), and I'd love to join Yakuza because I want to meet more people who play Aion and I'd like to learn from my (hopefully) fellow Yakuza's.

I chose Yakuza because the sheer number of people proves that this legion must be pretty awesome, and the most kind/helpful person I've met yet is a Yakuza member (Dayst).

As a legion all I expect is to have a community of friendly players who listen and help if they aren't busy,
and you can expect that as soon as I have the power I will most definitely return the favor =P

If someone were to say something ill of me, unless it went to a level of extremity beyond ignoring, I'd most likely let it go, because this is just a game and I've learned not to feed trolls in my vast experience on teh netz.

If someone were to spam or type in caps in legion chat, to a point where it's irratating alot of people I'd ask nicely to cut down if it gets to a certain point, but I wouldn't start anything troublesome XD

I'm a 17 year old male whose been playing MMO's for about a year, but only started Aion in particular last week, and I'd love to learn to be a great Aion player from fellow Yakuza's!

Language: English

Thanks again,

2Ardenus' Application Empty Re: Ardenus' Application Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:10 pm


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Well I see nothing wrong with you. However you are joining a social legion. You have been warned.
for your info

Accepted on my terms

3Ardenus' Application Empty Re: Ardenus' Application Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:35 am


Legion Recruit
Legion Recruit

thank you so much haha

4Ardenus' Application Empty Re: Ardenus' Application Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:07 am


Yakuza's Elite
Yakuza's Elite

wow man u wrote a ton XD and i agree dayst is awsome Razz

5Ardenus' Application Empty Re: Ardenus' Application Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:19 pm


Yakuza's Beauty
Yakuza's Beauty

RedNeck wrote:wow man u wrote a ton XD and i agree dayst is awsome Razz

Pfft you know it Wink

And I know I already said it but welcome to the legion xD

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