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Krathatos'seseseses application.

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1Krathatos'seseseses application. Empty Krathatos'seseseses application. Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:23 am



Welp, first off, there is an S at the end of my name. Krathatos. But it wouldnt fit. O_o Anyways... into your questions.

Well, lately Ive been cruising around in an alt guild holding it for someone, but I figure since my girlfriend is in your guild, I might as well apply for it. xD she tells me great things, so why not?

As said above, my GF (Dayst) is in your legion, and she tells me awesome things about you. Plus, the few times Ive gone and done stuff in the Abyss, y'all were there and kept me alive. And then the other day when I was getting spawn killed by an asmo, it was one of your members that ended up killing it. So it just seems like y'all are active.

Not much. I expect you guys to do your thing and Im just hoping to tag along when possible. Im in school right now, so I get on between classes and I have epic lag at night, but other than taht, Im just hoping that you will give me a fun place to hang out.

Well, probably also not much right now. Im still figuring out the game, so until I get it down I may still do or ask some nooby things. But, generally I get into games quickly and figure them out pretty well. As for participation, if Im on and someone needs or wants me somewhere, Im more than likely gonna go. I love doing things in groups.

Let it go. Its just a game. I know plenty of people who obsess over this stuff and let it ruin and run their lives. I used to be like that, but then I realized that the person making fun of me or KSing me probably has nothing better to do with their lives. So when Im found in those situations, I just go read a book or something. No reason to get worked up over a game.

Personally, I dont mind a lot of things, but if its against Legion rules, Id hope that someone with significant power does something about it. As I said, its just a game, so I dont take those things too seriously.

Im 22 years old as of a week ago.

Im a guy. Last time I checked anyways.

Probably about 3 weeks maybe of experience. I havea 55 Glad with a taha spear and a few anuhart glad parts. I also have a 2X Chanter, and thats rising fast. I have over 15B and thats going up fast too, and I have an asmo Assassin that I get on sometimes. Hes level 39.

Properly? Who knows. Like I said, Im just starting out, but my main is my Glad, and I think I do decently with it. Though, I have no idea what Im supposed to be doing or how I'm supposed to play it. Hopefully I can get some tips and pointers to make me better.

Ha.. I speak English natively. I know a decent amount of Spanish. I know tidbits of French, and I can say hello and count to 100 in about 5 or 6 other languages.

I think thats it for your list of questions. If you need to know anything more, please let me know and Ill do my best to answer you. Smile

2Krathatos'seseseses application. Empty Re: Krathatos'seseseses application. Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:25 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

After Reviewing Your Application I don't find you at fault of anything. Therefore you are formally accepted to join our humble abode.

3Krathatos'seseseses application. Empty Re: Krathatos'seseseses application. Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:30 am



yay ^__^ thank you very much. Im in game right now if you wanna send an invite Surprised

4Krathatos'seseseses application. Empty Welcome to the legion m8 Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:50 pm



Ok heard you are a glad so you can have all me glad armour me dont use it in game im olafs give me ring and ill hook you up with some toys

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