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We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Dayst's Application

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1Dayst's Application Empty Dayst's Application Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:42 am



-Do you have what it takes to join Yakuza? Well I'm not enteriely sure if I do or not but I'm always willing to work on what needs to be worked on and I am a very fast learner if taught (I self teach myself as well) o.O At this moment I'm just 35...but if you want me to be 55 I will level immidiately. (I've been doing quests instead)

- Why do you want to join our humble legion? I have seen several of your member around and I see that you are a very active guild. That is what I am looking for since I am wanting to do raids, asmodian hunting if you have groups for that, and other things to improve myself and others.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion? Same as above.

- What do you expect from us? Just a helpful hand when needed and being active xD other than that I don't really expect much

- What CAN we expect from you? When I get to the point I need such as getting my character lined out I will be helping with anything anytime. If it's a dungeon then I'll go. If its a war I'll be there.

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
Choose the following. 1)Shout over .ely? 2) Cry In legion Channel 3) let it go. 4) Act smart and if the person needs to be put in their place, I put them then let it go.
Morelikely 3 and 4. I will let it go til the person refuses to let me let it go. Then if they keep it up I will put them in their place. I haven't seen this as an issue yet on this server but I'm sure it's bound to happen.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps? If they spam, begs, or anything agianst the guild regulations I will ask them to stop nicely. If they continue I will follow guild regulations for reporting guild rule abuse.

- Age 22

- Gender Female (play male ingame)

- Experience This is my first time playing aion...but I am learning very quickly. There is just a few things I need help understanding which I could probably find guides online. I've played several other games such as WoW, Cabal, PW and other MMOs that are high demanding in information

- Classes that you play properly I seem to play Mage classes very well. My main is a Sorcerer but I would like to also learn how to be a claric, chanter and maybe ranger or assassin...but mostly I'm the Sorcerer kinda person Razz

- Language(s)I speak english I know very little spanish and japanese

If there is anything else you need to know about me then feel free to ask. Im a very straight forward kinda person.

2Dayst's Application Empty Re: Dayst's Application Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:29 am


Yakuza's Backbone
Yakuza's Backbone

Dayst wrote:-Do you have what it takes to join Yakuza? Well I'm not enteriely sure if I do or not but I'm always willing to work on what needs to be worked on and I am a very fast learner if taught (I self teach myself as well) o.O At this moment I'm just 35...but if you want me to be 55 I will level immidiately. (I've been doing quests instead)

- Why do you want to join our humble legion? I have seen several of your member around and I see that you are a very active guild. That is what I am looking for since I am wanting to do raids, asmodian hunting if you have groups for that, and other things to improve myself and others.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion? Same as above.

- What do you expect from us? Just a helpful hand when needed and being active xD other than that I don't really expect much

- What CAN we expect from you? When I get to the point I need such as getting my character lined out I will be helping with anything anytime. If it's a dungeon then I'll go. If its a war I'll be there.

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
Choose the following. 1)Shout over .ely? 2) Cry In legion Channel 3) let it go. 4) Act smart and if the person needs to be put in their place, I put them then let it go.
Morelikely 3 and 4. I will let it go til the person refuses to let me let it go. Then if they keep it up I will put them in their place. I haven't seen this as an issue yet on this server but I'm sure it's bound to happen.

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps? If they spam, begs, or anything agianst the guild regulations I will ask them to stop nicely. If they continue I will follow guild regulations for reporting guild rule abuse.

- Age 22

- Gender Female (play male ingame)

- Experience This is my first time playing aion...but I am learning very quickly. There is just a few things I need help understanding which I could probably find guides online. I've played several other games such as WoW, Cabal, PW and other MMOs that are high demanding in information

- Classes that you play properly I seem to play Mage classes very well. My main is a Sorcerer but I would like to also learn how to be a claric, chanter and maybe ranger or assassin...but mostly I'm the Sorcerer kinda person Razz

- Language(s)I speak english I know very little spanish and japanese

If there is anything else you need to know about me then feel free to ask. Im a very straight forward kinda person.

Glad To hear you are also serious. After Reviewing your Application I find no reason to say no. Please Whisper kauro. That is all
--------------------------Application Accepted---------------

3Dayst's Application Empty Re: Dayst's Application Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:42 am



Thank you for accepting my application. I will do my best to accomplish the goals and reputation of the guild. ^_^ Let me know what youd like for me to change about my character and gameplay and I will work on it. Sorry that I am fairly new to this game >.<

4Dayst's Application Empty hellooo gorgeous Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:35 pm


Yakuza's Queen
Yakuza's Queen

welcome dayst Smile Very Happy

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