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We are now in the process of moving to InfinityAion a brand new server.
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Mihaella's Application

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1beautiful Mihaella's Application Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:38 pm



- Why do you want to join our humble legion? Cause you are one of the best legions on the server.

- Why do you choose us, instead of any other Legion? Because my boyfriend is in this legion aswell

- What do you expect from us? Nothing really.

- What CAN we expect from you? Activity and help if someone needs it.

- What would you do if someone talks bad about you?
Choose the following. 1)Shout over .ely? 2) Cry In legion Channel 3) let it go. 4) Act smart and if the person needs to be put in their place, I put them then let it go. Number 3

- What if someone in the Legion talks bad? spams? caps? Report it to a Centurion.

- Age 21

- Gender Female

- Experience Not much, i just started playin Aion for like 2 weeks or so.

- Classes that you play properly Cleric

- Language(s)Romanian, English and a little Spanish.

2beautiful Re: Mihaella's Application Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:40 pm


Yakuza's Topdog
Yakuza's Topdog

Since insane is ur boyfriend, ur in, PM me ingame Smile


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